Proposal for Accounting & Finance Professionals
Outstanding Business Challenge!
Severe lack of training opportunity for businesses and accounting and finance professionals to gain understanding of issues and complexities of modern day domestic and international markets, understand business processes and gain practical experience to effectively produce results that can help to leverage powerful tools, technologies and techniques to satisfy critical business needs in a competitive global market place.
Meeting the Business Challenge!
Provide a value added business focused, practical, hands-on, accounting and finance professional training program to learn and apply business tools and techniques through classroom instructions and practicum within existing TelniaSoft's operational domestic and international business environment.
Vision for a TelniaSoft Training Institute!
As an extension of TelniaSoft's existing in-house training program, we envision to offer a training program that at least includes the following areas.
- Systems Theory: Requirements, Development and Implementation - a practical approach.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Theory/Concepts - standardized practice.
- Inventory Management: Invoices, Purchase Orders, Receipts / Delivery, Point of Sale.
- Integrative Approach to Domestic and International Finance Laws .
- Understanding Domestic and International Business Taxation.
- Practicum within TelniaSoft Business Environment (Pakistan, US and others, as needed)
- Principles of Successful Business: Organizational Behavior, Management, Human Relations.
- Additionalareas of training may be included as remedial training for some students. The additional training might include Office Software, Email/Internet/Networks, Information Technology, Accountancy, and presentation skills.
Training Expected to.
- Create awareness among entry to mid level accounting and finance professionals to be able to recognize and effectively employ the business value of system orientation, process focused life cycles, impact of regulations and taxation, supply chains, and organizational behavior to subsequently contribute positively in their own respective areas of specialty and businesses environments.
- Produce trained professionals with potential to serve as managers who have understanding of the concepts related to different types of systems, management and control, interdependence and the positive or negative outcome of their actions or inactions.
- Produce trained Inventory Control Managers with a theoretical and practical experience to apply Inventory Management tools and techniques in a variety of business environments.
- Produce accounting and finance professionals considered already having 'experience' (versus just out of school) with a demonstrated history of having gone through a series of classroom and work place exercises to generate products for real domestic and international businesses (within TelniaSoft).
- Produce professionals that potentially have a positive contagioneffect on peers and others in an organization rather than creating bottlenecks or adversely affecting others due to inexperience.
Training Duration / Format.
We expect to offer three different formats for training to ensure availability to both recently graduated students, still looking for employment, and working professionals who would find a part time format more suitable.
- Full Day / 5 Days a Week for 4 Months.
- 1/2 Day (morning or afternoon) and 1 Weekend Day, every week, for 6 Months.
- 2 Full Weekend Days for 8 Months.
- Mix and Match any of the above to complete all program requirements within a year.
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Institutionalize an accounting and finance echo system training program for growth oriented businesses to get their existing accounting and finance workforce and new graduates to learn and apply practical, modern and proven real world tools and techniques to produce meaningful results consistent with increasingly complex and challenging domestic and international market expectations.
Current Environment!
In Pakistan, each year, more than 205,000 students appear for different accounting degree/diploma examinations and certifications from different government and private colleges. Out of these students, approximately 10,000qualify as professionals in the field of accountingand finance, thus leaving a large gap between ongoing business demand and adequately trained accounting and finance professionals for both domestic and international markets. Additionally, even the students normally accepted as 'qualified' often lack a good understanding of the larger issues and complexities associated with modern competitive business environment or demonstrate any understanding of business tools and techniques. Although, some domestic institutions have foreign affiliations, they are unable to produce students fully prepared to meet business need due to a variety of factors including any real world practical experience. This mismatch of the business need and 'half-qualified' accounting and financeprofessionals leaves both businesses and a good number of professionals frustrated and under employed, even after having earned degrees and a variety of certifications.
Our experience working with different types of businesses highlights the fact that a typical professional accountant (not necessarily CFO) often plays a key role in an organization in establishing and monitoring cash flows and the business processes that determine the time value of money. Unfortunately, many working accountants are neither aware of the importance of their role, possess experience or background to understand the criticality of these functions that positively contribute to building, sustaining, and enhancing the value of a business enterprise.
TelniaSoft was established in 2007 as a business process outsourcing organization, offering services to its customers in the field of Financial Advisory, Project Management, Inventory Management, Document Management and IT Transformation & Strategies. To meet our accounting and finance business needs, we have been (re) training the 'half-qualified'professionals through an in-house training program. Our in-house training program has taken the available professionals and (re) trained them in critical training areas that include System, Process, Inventory Management, and Organizational Behavior in an overall environment that is focused on hands-on training integrated our ongoing business environment.
TelniaSoft's in-house training program has proved very successful over the years to satisfy our internal requirement for accounting and finance professionals that are trained appropriately and able to help produce quality products for our domestic and international clients. We have learned that many of our clients also suffer from the same shortage of appropriately trained accounting and finance professionals, as we did, but do not have many choices to train the commonly available, but 'half-qualified'accounting and finance professionals.
So, a demand for appropriately trained accounting and finance professionals continues to grow within TelniaSoft businesses, our client businesses and others, and newly graduated students who have not yet secured employment, even after completing a traditional program of study in accounting and finance.